ABC's Online Certifying Exam Defense and Strategy (approx. four hours of our live Oral Exam Workshop archives) is a combination of instruction and immediate implementation through practical exercises. First, we will completely dissect the components of the ABOG Certifying Exam, so you will know exactly what to expect. Next, we'll show you how to shake those jitters with our tried and true oral exam techniques. You will then learn how to see your case list from the examiner's perspective. This paradigm shift gives you critical insight to predict the questions you will be asked during your certifying or oral exam. Finally, we’ll empower your confidence in the structured cases.
The following videos are included:
- User's Guide by Dr. Das
- Defending your Case List
- Strategic Studying
- Certifying Board Exam Content & Results
- Oral Exam Techniques
- Oral Exam Conduct
- Effective Mock Oral Exams
- Intro & Strategy for the Structured Cases
- Structured Case Exercise