Collection: ABOG MOC Exam - Maintenance of Certification Review Course

We think you'll enjoy and have fun being in the classroom again. You'll even pick up clinical pearls that apply to your everyday practice.  Taking the MOC exam?  Based upon your mode of practice, we offer a number of short videos that will help clarify your options. Looking for written questions?  Sign up to sample 24 questions from our Written Questions Manuals.

Upcoming Course dates:  April 2-6, 2025 (Remote), August 6-10, 2025 (Hybrid options)

“I seem to be quite a novelty as no one can believe that I would sign up for a board review course when I'm not actually prepping for the boards!  But I recall that I liked the course and it was one of the best reviews I had ever done. I just feel like it's important to keep up and stay current. Practice guidelines have already changed a good bit in the 4 years since I took the board exam. As you say; I do indeed plan to sit back and soak it all in.”