For ABOG 2020 Certifying (ORAL) Exam Candidates
ABOG announced that it is postponing the November and December 2020 Certifying (Oral) Exam. They will now have 2 exam weeks in January and February 2021. You should receive your exam week by August 31st.
The deadline to submit your case list is August 31 along with your exam fee of $1025.
It’s time to research your review course options and register. Obviously, we are a bit biased, as we feel we have the ideal course; however, you should look for the following features. We recommend a BOARD review course, not just a review course, for an exam focused review. You also want a faculty that lectures in accordance with the latest ACOG recommendations and not on their boring research or the latest, yet unproven, fads. The faculty needs to be particularly knowledgeable in the oral exam process and content and also provide Mock Oral Exams and Case List Reviews. Our courses are on September 15-22 and November 17-22. I Don’t ever remember seeing the Case List Reviews part. Don’t necessarily need to have that in there.
To complement the content covered at the review course we have added the Oral Exam Workshop that is devoted to the strategies of taking an oral exam. The earlier you take the workshop, the better, as your studying will take far more time than you budgeted; so it is better to identify as early as possible the topics you need to prioritize.
Half of your test is defending your case list. Send your case list NOW to your local/regional consultants or colleagues for recommendations in DEFENDING your case list:
Case List Component |
Reviewer |
OB |
MFM, generalist |
GYN ONC, Urogyn, generalist |
Office |
Generalist, REI, FP, IM |
Make sure you give them a strict deadline. Since the clock is ticking, now is the time to schedule a time to sit down and review their recommendations. The ABC faculty can review your case list one-on-one at either of the fall courses, or we can provide a Comprehensive Case List Review. We are the only course in the country to offer dialogue with the reviewer so you can ask questions, clarify cases, etc.
Spend the second week in August drafting a study plan. Remember, this is not set in stone, but it’s imperative to know what you’re up against.
For ABOG 2021 Certifying (ORAL) Exam Candidates
The results for the written boards will come out on September 30, 2020. If you choose the fast track, you can sit right away for your oral exam. However, remember the collections started JULY 1, as in last month.
You cannot apply for the 2021 oral exam until February 2021. However, if you wait this long to enter cases, you’re already EIGHT months behind – BIG MISTAKE! Call or e-mail ABOG now to get your case list software.
Don’t fret about details of how to enter the data because you’ll change your mind at least a half dozen times. For all GYN patients, start a habit of collecting H&Ps, operative notes, pathology reports and discharge summaries. For all OB patients, keep a file of the prenatal forms, delivery notes, discharge summaries, and postpartum notes. Don’t worry about the office patients yet. Take a stab at entering the data online, and just use your common sense.
Rest assured, we will have a Case List Construction Workshop as a part of our April 2021 review course. Trust me - it’s overwhelming to attend one sooner. It’s like trying to teach advanced shoulder dystocia maneuvers before you’ve even delivered a baby. For those who are OCD, order your copy of Pass Your Oral Ob/Gyn Board Exam by Dr. Das for a complete step-by-step guide. Start today to create a good habit of collecting and entering cases.
Subspecialty Fellows Sitting for their 2020 ABOG General Certifying (Oral) Board Exam
So that’s where they get the expression, “If you don’t use it, you lose it”. Our review course is IDEAL for Fellows, as we tell you just what you need to know; then you can joyfully repress it again after your test. Even if your exam is not until January, there is a LOT to relearn - OK, for some of you to learn. We strongly recommend you come to our September 15-20 course to gather all the material you will need for 90% of your test.
We’re most sincere when we say, “You can do it … we can help”.
We can help -- a LOT.
For AOBOG 2020 ORAL Exam Candidates
Our Online Home Study package has everything you need to prepare you for your oral exam. Our course materials cover all of your core topics and we include mock orals for articulation. There’s no better way to practice than with our private mock orals.
Obviously, we’re a bit biased, as we feel we have the ideal course; however, you should look for the following features. We recommend a BOARD review course, not just a review course, for an exam focused review. There is precious little time to wade through the volumes of material to figure out what to prioritize. You also want a faculty with extensive speaking experience. The fact that they research and publish is irrelevant, as the answer guide to the test and henceforth, their lectures should be based on ACOG clinical recommendations. Did you know our syllabus is highlighted with the core topics?
Finally, since 2011, we’ve been batting a 99% pass rate for course attendees!
You can do it…we can help.
Maternity Based
Neoplasms of the Vulva,Vagina, Cervix, Uterus, Fallopian tubes, ovaries and those associated with Pregnancy
Urinary Stress Incontinence/Genital Prolapse
Sexual Dysfunction/Pain Syndromes
Contraception Management
Ultrasonography of the Female Pelvis
Workup and Treatment of the Infertile Couple
Evaluation of the High-Risk Pregnancy
Early Screening Tests and Diagnosis
Interventions available during Pregnancy
For ABOG Qualifying (Written) and AOBOG 2021 WRITTEN Exam Candidates
The exam is a year away. If this is your first time to take the exam and you have historically performed average or better on your CREOG in-service-training exam, you can enjoy the summer. For most of you, it’s a hectic time anyway, with everyone moving up in rank.
Applications for the ABOG exam are available online September 17th. Don’t shoot the messenger, but in case you need to budget, the $1500 application and examination fee will be due by mid-October.
Applications for the AOBOG Spring exam are not available until November 26, 2020. Better yet, the $1175 application and examination fee is not due until March 12, 2021, just before your exam.
If this will be your second attempt, spend August doing some soul searching. WHY did you fail? If this was your first attempt and you have a reasonable excuse, such as you simply did not study, or had a significant distraction, such as being newly postpartum or a family crisis, you can cut yourself some slack. However, promise to commit this next year to passing your exam.
If you have failed at least twice, there is a pattern. We strongly advise you to come to our November 17-22 course. Not only do you need to come out running at the six-month mark, but perhaps it’s time you consider our Test Taking Skills Online Course.
For now, it’s too early to start studying in earnest - you’ll just burn out. Step away and heal emotionally. Decide if you can and will truly commit to adequately preparing for this exam. If the answer is anything but an emphatic yes, you are setting yourself up for another disappointment. Statistically, the chances of failing the exam again after two attempts are dismally high. However, the program established by ABC has completely defied those odds. To say that we’ve blown them off the charts is an understatement. Call us and we can help you strategize.
You can do it … we can help
ABOG Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
If you have not completed your May articles, ABOG has implemented measures to help diplomats ease the stress that they may be feeling during the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures are incentized for quicker completion and include fewer articles, the articles will have 8 questions instead of 4, and 8 articles on COVID-19. Additionally, there will not be an article release.
Part II: Lifelong Learning
The third and last quarter articles come out next month. Have you let some of the second and first quarter articles collect dust? Have you even done any? Remember that all 45 articles are due December 16th, so do the math. With four months remaining, that means 10+ articles per month.
Furthermore, don’t forget that you must have enrolled in at least one practice module each year. If you have not, this can also be grounds to yank your certification – YIKES!
Part III: Secure Written Exam
Those of you in MOC Year 6 who have not averaged 86% or higher on your articles, must pass a written exam by December 16th. We have a number of products to help you prepare for and pass your written exam. For those of you who have always tapped into a review course in preparing for your board certifying exams, you’ll no doubt benefit greatly by attending one of our five-day review courses being held September 15-20 and November 17-22. This is not the same type of review course as in the past. Just as you evolve and practice evidence-based medicine, our course is designed for the adult learner, is exam-focused, and all lectures follow the national ACOG guidelines. Heck, you’ll walk away with loads of everyday practice tips, too.
Still looking for more questions? Our Written Questions Manuals provide an additional 1700+ questions, plus a narrative explanation for each answer, along with references. Additionally, our Q Banks for the OB/GYN are a computer-based 50 multiple-choice questions. They are designed to simulate your written board and CREOG in-service exam.
Oh, just in case you think you’re coasting after you pass your written exam, think again. You still have to read the 2020 articles. No rest for the weary!
You can do it…we can help.
Obstetrics and Gynecology and Office Practice & Women’s Health
Obstetrics only
Gynecology only (tends to have more Surgical GYN focus)
Office Practice and Women’s Health only (primary care, office GYN & family planning focus)
Gynecologic Oncology
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (starting 2019)
Obstetrics – Antepartum, Intrapartum, Postpartum.
Gynecology only- Inpatient & Outpatient GYN focus, including REI, Urogyn, and Oncology
Office Practice and Women’s Health only - Primary Care, Office GYN, Office Surgery & Family Planning focus
Anatomy & Physiology, Basic Sciences
Ethics & Professionalism
AOBOG Recertification Written Exam, Osteopathic Continuous Certification in Obstetrics & Gynecology (OCC)
The recertification exam has been replaced with the (ARC) aka Advanced Real-time Certification. The good news is that it is an online assessment system giving you the opportunity to fulfill your OCC Component 3 requirements. Each year you are to complete 24 assessments. Go to the AOBOG website for additional details.
ABC Tip:
Consider coming to one of our 5-day review courses. This is not the same type of review course as in the past. Just as you evolve and practice evidence-based medicine, our course is designed for the adult learner and all lectures follow the national ACOG guidelines. Even better, you’ll walk away with Category I CME hours and with loads of clinical pearls, too.
For Canadian Royal College examination: 2021 written and oral
Royal College will announce Spring 2021 on November 21, 2020. Come to one of our fall courses – either September 18-22 or November 20-24 to jump-start your studying.
MFM 2021 ORAL Exam Candidates
Now is the time to put the finishing touches on your thesis. It is due September 30th. Along with a pdf of your thesis, ABOG requires a thesis affidavit form that must be signed by your program director. Your examination fee is also due at the same time, a hefty $1210. Expect to wait about 6-8 weeks to know if your thesis has been accepted.
Our faculty is ready to help you prepare your thesis for submission with a Thesis Review. We will closely read and evaluated your thesis and make notes on the readability, study design, conclusion, and format. After your thesis submission, we offer a 1-hour Thesis Defense and 45 min. Thesis Mock Oral.
We are with you every step of the way…
FPMRS 2021 Certifying (ORAL) Exam Candidates (April 12-16, 2020)
The application is now closed. For those that have received your application confirmation, you should be receiving a notice of your acceptance for the examination sometime in September. If you have not already done so, your examination fee of $1210 will need to be paid on or before September 30th.
Your thesis submission deadline is approaching soon…. Deadline September 30th, 2020. Make sure you have the affidavit form to go with your thesis completed and signed by your fellowship director. Also, make sure your thesis is formatted to the style the board requires and the format of the intended journal. Remove any institutional identifying information in your manuscript. This is a great time to send out your final draft to us at ABC for a thesis review. Also, approach your colleagues and mentors that can provide you with a good thesis critic/review for their help.
Continue working on your case list entry. Avoid procrastination. Case list submission deadline is Feb 3, 2021.
We are ready to get you prepared for this examination…..Register now for our November ABC FPMRS Review Course in Charlotte NC Nov 20-22, 2020. We plan to offer both a live course and interactive virtual course to meet the needs of all our candidates.
FPMRS 2020 Certifying (ORAL) Exam Candidates
Now that your exam is postponed until April 2021, with all the mixed emotions associated with this news, now is the time for you to regroup and plan your study strategy. Continue to set aside time at least once a month to review your case list and keep those cases and management fresh in your mind. Review your thesis manuscript at least once a month to keep that fresh in your mind. For those of you that attended our review course in November 2019, you have all your study material. You also have the opportunity for a refresher course in November 2020 as well as our planned webinar series to practice structured cases in early 2021. We have structured cases for your review and our newly released product, the FPMRS FAQ that will serve as a high yield workbook to generate answers to high yield FPMRS questions.
REI 2021 ORAL Exam Candidates
You should be completing the finishing touches on your thesis as it is due September 30th. Along with a pdf of your thesis, ABOG requires a thesis affidavit form that must be signed by your program director. Your examination fee is also due at the same time, a hefty $1210. Expect to wait about 6-8 weeks to know if your thesis has been accepted.
Our faculty is ready to help you prepare your thesis for submission with a Thesis Review. We will closely read and evaluated your thesis and make notes on the readability, study design, conclusion, and format. After your thesis submission, we offer a 1-hour Thesis Defense and 45 min. Thesis Mock Oral.
To continue your exam preparation we recommend attending our 3-day virtual REI Interactive Review Course. It will be held December 4-6, 2020.
We are with you every step of the way…