Testimonial Sidebar Code for AOBOG Oral Exam April Interactive Review Course - in Charlotte, NC


"Truth be known, I did pass….and with flying colors!”

“The core topics lecture really helped to cover what I needed to know.” - DW 

"The conference was awesome. I've never attended a course that was so Board-specific!" -- SR

"As a general practitioner who has not had to be in ‘study mode’ for several years, I leave your course feeling extremely confident that I have been given all the tools needed in order to thrive during my oral exam. Thank you, Dr. Das!"

I gained confidence and found weak areas to improve on before the exam. The Structured Cases Workshop was a great review of cases in the format of the mock oral exam was extremely helpful.

"I can't tell you enough how appreciative I am for your individual 'strategy' session at the end of the (long!) day. That was the first time I have shared some of my thoughts and experiences regarding my previous exam failures with anyone outside my immediate family and close friends. Just that process was empowering for me as well. First, it was just simply good 'practice' for me to sit in an 'uncomfortable' setting and speak to someone I don't really know (hmmm...sounds kind of like oral boards). Second, you affirmed some of the ideas/plans I already had for how to tackle boards this time. And third, I got to hear from you, 'Enough with the excuses, just do it!' (my paraphrase). Even though I am extremely motivated to be successful this time around, I now feel like I have another person to be accountable to. I want to be one of your success stories." - JM


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