Oral Exam Workshop Candidate Info
Workshop Hours:
We will start promptly at 8:00am and will adjourn at 5:15pm.
Topic: ABC Oral Exam Workshop, Tues, 9/14
Time: Sep 14, 2021 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting - If applicable
Meeting ID:
Optional Passcode:
The following are important tips to help you optimally prepare for the workshop:
- First, you should have at least 2 copies of your case list available to you. One should be printed for you to take notes and the other on your desktop to share via Zoom.
- Secondly, you should study and prepare for vaginal breech delivery, vacuum delivery, adnexal mass and vaginal hysterectomy.
- Thirdly, you will note on the course schedule the section “Shark Tank”. This is the most popular session of all. Present your nightmare case or a problem situation to the group and allow them to help you figure out the best defense strategy! Cases will be accepted in the order they are received (first come-first served). Simply type in the information directly from your case list into the attached GYN, OB, or Office template attached. Please be sure to include your name. Please email your case(s) directly to Kelly Friesen at kelly@americasboardreview.com by Thursday, September 9th. Be assured this is a fantastic learning tool for all attendees.
OB Template - Download Word file
Office Template - Download Word file
We would appreciate you filling out our evaluation after Tuesday's Workshop.