ABOG Written Exam Content

Written Exam Content
Determine the tasks necessary to accomplish the mission – Approximately 30% from OB, GYN & Office and remaining 10% from cross-content. See ABOG Bulletin http://www.abog.org



  1. Preconception care and counseling

  2. Antepartum care and complications

  3. Intrapartum care and complications

  4. Postpartum care and complications

  5. Fetal assessment

  6. Prenatal diagnosis

  7. Preterm labor

  8. Premature rupture of membranes

  9. Obstetric hemorrhage

  10. Dystocia and abnormalities of fetal lie and presentation

  11. Post term pregnancy

  12. Induction of labor

  13. Operative obstetrics

  14. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

  15. Cardiovascular and/or pulmonary diseases coexisting with pregnancy

  16. Renal, dermatologic, and/or neurologic diseases coexisting with pregnancy

  17. Hematologic, neoplastic, and/or endocrine diseases coexisting with pregnancy

  18. Infections coexisting with pregnancy

  19. Abnormal fetal growth

  20. Diabetes and pregnancy

  21. Multifetal gestation

  22. Ultrasound, Doppler, and other imaging techniques

  23. Surgical conditions coexisting with pregnancy

  24. Psychiatric disorders during pregnancy and postpartum

  25. Care of the neonate

  26. Intrapartum and postpartum infection


  1. Ectopic pregnancy

  2. Endometriosis

  3. Uterine myomas

  4. Infertility

  5. Abnormal uterine bleeding

  6. Abnormal cytology

  7. Congenital abnormalities of the reproductive tract

  8. Pelvic relaxation and defects in pelvic floor

  9. Urinary and fecal incontinence

  10. Benign conditions of the reproductive tract

  11. Sexually transmitted infections

  12. Pelvic inflammatory diseases

  13. Acute pelvic pain

  14. Chronic pelvic pain

  15. Diagnostic procedures

  16. Hysteroscopy

  17. Laparoscopy

  18. Ultrasound

  19. Preop evaluation and preparation

  20. Minor gynecologic surgery

  21. Major gynecologic surgery

  22. Postoperative care, complications, and problems

  23. Emergency care

  24. Invasive neoplasia of the reproductive tract and breasts

  25. Premalignant conditions of the reproductive tract and breasts

  26. Invasive neoplasia of the reproductive tract and breasts

  27. Trophoblastic diseases

  28. Coexisting medical diseases

  29. Concurrent surgical conditions

  30. Coexisting psychiatric conditions

Office Practice and Preventative/Primary Care

  1. Age-appropriate periodic assessment, preventative care and health maintenance

  2. Family planning

  3. Life style modification

  4. Diagnosis and treatment of uncomplicated medical disease and disorders

  5. Benign breast disorders

  6. Urinary tract infections

  7. Diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders

  8. Cardiovascular diseases

  9. Perimenopause and menopause

  10. Osteopenia and osteoporosis

  11. Polycystic ovarian syndrome

  12. Primary and secondary amenorrhea

  13. Abnormal uterine bleeding

  14. Disorders of reproductive physiology and gynecologic endocrinology

  15. Early pregnancy loss

  16. Psychiatric conditions

  17. Domestic violence and sexual assault

  18. Sexuality and sexual dysfunction

  19. Problems relating to physiology of menstruation

  20. Office surgery

  21. Vulvar disease

  22. Vaginal discharge

  23. Pediatric and adolescent gynecology

  24. Geriatric gynecology

  25. Chronic pelvic and vulvar pain

  26. Ultrasound

  27. Sexually transmitted infections

  28. Lesbian health issues

Cross Content Areas

  1. Basic science

  2. Genetics

  3. Ethics and professionalism

  4. Epidemiology and evidence-based medicine

  5. Systems-bases practice and patient safety

  6. Communication with patients and peers

  7. Health literacy



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