ABC's Structured Cases have been widely acclaimed as matching the structured case format for the AOBOG oral exam.
- Set of 20 on U/S OB, U/S GYN, Pain & Contraception
- Set of 45 includes five cases within six topics, unique and not included in any other set
- Set of 85 includes five-ten cases within eight topics
- AOBOG core topic specific
These structured cases will be exceptionally valuable to you as you familiarize yourself with, and ultimately perfect this mode of the exam, as well as assessing your knowledge in a specific core topic. Choose from the set of 20, 45 or 85 cases. Each case has 4-6 follow up questions in powerpoint, similar to the notebook for the AOBOG oral exam. Additionally, the examiner's answer sheet, which includes questions and point value for pass/marginal/fail, are available for both self and partner study and practice.
"I felt very well prepared by ABC. The cases were especially helpful. Thanks" – JE
"The course is a must. It really helped me to focus and organize my studies. Also the case of the days sets are invaluable."
"Great at relieving the fear of the unknown."
"Love the Structured Cases...Practice, practice, practice! What a great confidence builder!"