Register now for our November Virtual Subspecialty Interactive Review Course
November Virtual Interactive Review Courses for FPMRS and MFM Exam Candidates
November 18th - 20th
ABC has the best review courses in the country. We not only review content but also how to articulate it to board examiners. We will also practice these skills daily.
Courses include:
Oral exam strategy and techniques
Condensed, focused, targeted lectures - reinforcing but not repeating foundation/basics from fellowship
Facilitated structured cases exercises
Tips on how to defend your case list
Up to 22.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
Recordings will be available to candidates up to the April 2023 certifying exam
Learn more about our MFM and FPMRS courses
Written Questions Online
Preparing for a written exam
Our best-selling Written Questions Manuals are available online and by subscription. Do you only need them for your July exam? No problem! We have a 1, 3 & 6-month subscription or a 1-year subscription available for those who want to get a head start on their CREOGs in 2023.
Test Taking Technique
Case List Strategy
Make sure you know ALL the categories on each summary sheet, not simply the ones you have applied. This is especially applicable to the office case list, where you may have strategically dodged those dreadful primary care categories. EVERY SINGLE category is fair game on the test. Our Oral Exam FAQs can spoon-feed you questions similar to those most frequently asked in each category.
Thanksgiving Fun Facts
Thanksgiving became a national holiday in 1863.
The presidential pardon of a turkey became a tradition in 1947 by President Truman.
The heaviest recorded turkey weighed in at 86 pounds. It won the "Heaviest Turkey" competition in London in 1989 and it still holds the record to this day.
Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to replace the eagle as the national bird.
Approximately 46 million turkeys are eaten on Thanksgiving every year.
Upcoming Deadlines, Events, and Dates:
4th - Royal College deadline to register for the 2023 Spring exam
7th - 10th - ABOG Specialty Certifying Exam Week 2
14th - 17th - ABOG Specialty Certifying Exam Week 3
15th - ABOG MOC application submission deadline
18th - 20th - ABC's Virtual MFM and FPMRS Review Course
2nd - 4th - ABC REI Virtual Review Course
3rd - 5th - ABOG Specialty Certifying Exam Week 4
15th - ABOG MOC Assignments due
17th - Final application deadline for 2022 ABOG Specialty and Subspecialty Qualifying Exam
Test-Taking Tip
Qualifying Exam Candidates
ABOG will now provide you with a scaled test score in addition to the results of "pass/fail". The cut point for passing the qualifying exam with be determined each year after psychometric evaluations of the results. The CREOG in-service training exam is a great indicator to gauge your performance. Anyone, not just residents, can take the exam and is STRONGLY advised for those who are repeating their board exam. Don't worry... the results come only to you. However, the deadline to apply has passed, but you can register on the day of the exam. Seats are not guaranteed and the cost is $145 per examination. Either email Darya Valantsevich at or call her at 202-863-2548 to arrange this and choose your testing center.
Read More Test-Taking Tips Online
Online Test Taking Skills Course
Available on demand
User Guide by Dr. Krishna Das, MD breaks down the content and order of course
Videos by educators
Use of CQRPE method can increase exam scores up to 20 points
Step by Step strategy on taking tests
Self-paced online course available on any device
Course $400. Check out our packages that include course and save.