July 2015 ABC Advisor


5 day Review Courses this Fall
September 16-20 - Charlotte, NC
November 18-22 - Charlotte, NC

ABC offers an exam-focused and stream-lined review in accordance with the latest ACOG standards all in just five days. Focus on the latest high yield topics for your exam, as well as clinical pearls for your everyday practice. Included are a Test Topics Manual, handouts and oral defense tips. 
*This activity provides up to 44 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™  Check out our 
Oral Exam packages and save! 

Learn More & Register Online »

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Guidelines for Women's Healthcare
A resource manual from ACOG

This 4th Edition manual covers matters around management and the latest policies.  Some of the topics covered include common gynecologic issues, well-women primary and preventive care & screenings.  $79 members/$89 nonmembers
Website »

Case List Construction Tip  

The 80:20 rule applies to your case list. The examiner has only 30 minutes to examine you on your case list. He typically can get through only 10-15 cases. Thus, for 80% of your case list, you want it to be crystal clear as to why you did what you did. The remaining 20% are strategically worded to beg the line of questioning that you desire.The most common mistake on constructing your OFFICE case list is column confusion

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Nutrition can Help Balance the Mind 
4 Tips:

  • Eat around the same time - Delayed eating can heighten emotions which can exasperate mental health issues. Plan frequent meals to maintain your blood sugar levels.

  • Don't fear the fat - Essential fatty acids are key in keeping your brain functioning optimally.  

  • Snack - Choosing the right food in between meals.  A small amount of protein help keep the body and mind fueled.

  • Avoid crash dieting - Confusing your brain by limiting calories kicks up your stress hormones.  

Read More Resources to Recover»

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AOBOG Oral Exam Test Taking Tips 

Refer to aobog.org for the topics and conduct for the new oral exam beginning the fall 2015. The exam is still four hours, but the candidate will rotate hourly through four stations. Three stations will use scenarios developed from the topic list. The fourth station will include “visual slides, ultrasounds, video clips or monitor strips to introduce the essay type scoring.” You must obtain a minimum of 75 out of 100 possible points to pass a scenario and pass 9 of the 12 scenarios to pass the exam.

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Upcoming Deadlines, Events, Dates:  

6th - Extended application deadline expires for Fall AOBOG Oral Exam - FULL
20th - Last  day to submit your case list to ABC for review before late fees apply


3rd -  1st due date for case list submission 
3rd - Last  day to submit your case list to ABC for review before late fees apply 
6th - Extended application deadline expires for Fall AOBOG Oral Exam  - FULL
17th - 2nd due date for case list submission 

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