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Test Taking Technique
You probably intuitively knew this, but studies confirm that students usually miss the questions they spent the most time on. Compare this to the lead runner. Turning to look back to see where the other runners are will just slow him down. Thus, we recommend you proceed methodically, deliberately and purposefully answering FIRST those questions for which you clearly know the answer. For questions that you cannot determine the answer readily (e.g. within 30 seconds), develop a system of priority for returning back to those questions AFTER you finish those for which you easily know the answers.
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Nine Weeks until ABOG exam - Test your Knowledge Daily questions on Facebook page
What type of placentation is the most common in monozygotic twins?
A. Diamniotic/Dichorionic B. Monochroionic/monoamniotic C. Dichorionic/monoamniotic D. Monochroionic/Diammniotic
Answer on our Facebook Page »
Peeing in a Cup Reveals More than Just Screening for Pregnancy Urine samples may indicate a propensity for obesity
In a study out this week, researchers at the Imperial College in London found a corelation between metabolites and obesity. Metabolites that stay around for a period of time can dictate a person's metabolic phenotype.
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Changes coming to the AOBOG Oral Board Exam this Fall
After many years, the AOBOG oral exam has undergone a major overhaul. They’ve changed the core topics from the traditional 10. Although they’ve kept some of the original, they’ve added some, and generalized others to much broader categories.
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Fantastic Savings Course Recordings for only $100
Our new course recordings will be available soon and we are offering our 2012 lecture recordings at a substantial discount. This DVD set contains over 69 lectures on 25 discs. By Monday, May 4th we will offer this product on our website, so don't wait.
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Upcoming Deadlines, Events, Dates:
May: 1st-2nd - AOBOG Written and Oral Exam- Chicago, IL 2nd-6th - ACOG Annual Clinical and Scientific Mtg, San Francisco, CA 16th-17th - ABC's Case List Workshop in Orlando and Minneapolis 23rd - AOBOG Written examination fee of $1,175 due
June: 3rd - Last day for ABOG Written Exam candidates to schedule a seat with the Pearson VUE testing center 5th-7th - American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) 2015 Clinical Update - 21st Century Prevention of HPV Associated Cancer 29th - ABOG Written Exam 30th - Last day to register for the October AOBOG Oral Exam