Scored less than 200 on your CREOGS? Gunning for a fellowship? Failed your qualifying or written boards? We highly recommend you try our test-taking methodology.
This course will help you develop a logical, systematic and thoughtful method for answering questions in a timely fashion. At the conclusion of the course, you will have a focused strategy for answering questions and a method for monitoring your test-taking accuracy. The majority who incorporate the CQRPE method as an adjunct to the review course, see an improvement on average of 20 POINTS! This brilliant method is essential for any exam taker who simply wants to achieve the score you know you deserve. ABC is honored to align with Martin and Jane Jolley, internationally recognized experts in standardized testing. They are both retired directors of the Institute for Professional Preparation (IPP) at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Additional guidance: Purchase performance reports with ABC faculty (correspondence via email). They will evaluate your progress and send you specific ways to stay on track. The pass rate is 99% for those who send four or more reports!
This online course features:
- User’s Guide - order and content of each individual video
- Adult Learners – knowing your learning style improves your comprehension and can be a time-saver
- Interpreting CREOG scores – identify your strengths and weaknesses and then apply that knowledge to your overall study strategy and plan
- Martin & Jane Jolley – learn how the methodology can increase your written scores
- CQRPE Method – Dr. Das, ABC Founder explains her signature, evidence-based methodology on how to approach written questions
- Testimonial – listen and be motivated by this success story
- Strategic & Effective Learning – a checklist of the content (videos, questions, lectures) of this online course
- Test Taking Tips & Optimizing Performance – information and tips for taking written exams, as well as ways to manage performance anxiety and how to achieve a score congruent with your knowledge
- Performance Analysis - this video explains how you can track your progress, analyze your performance and take corrective measures
- CREOGs & Beyond – Dr. Das explains the how, the what, and the when as you prepare for your written exam
- Sources for Written Questions – Looking for more written questions? This tells you where to find them and rates their quality
- Includes 103 CQRPE Written Questions
Residents may receive an additional discount. Contact our office for more details (877-222-6249).
“Dear Dr. Das, I passed my written exam!!! No doubt it was one of the most difficult things I have had to endure, especially having given birth and adjusting to a newborn a few months before taking the exam! I am beyond ecstatic that I can finally, finally put this exam behind me. I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and also for not giving up on me and pushing me to focus on your test taking strategy.“ DL
“I have made some leaps here and I know that your method has made a difference in my test taking skills. I no longer am afraid to sit down and start clicking away as a good little test-taking robot should.”
"Dr. Das - Just wanted to let you know I passed the written board exam!!! I was someone who always scored below 200 on Creog and therefore was statistically in the 'less likely' to pass boards group. I truly believe that your course, along with mastering the CQRPE method, helped lead me on the right track to studying effectively my 4th year. Thank you so much!!! " - AF
"Guess who got the HIGHEST score of his resident program? I still can't believe it.....I got the HIGHEST CREOG score OF MY PROGRAM and I can't thank you enough ABC!!!!!!!” MA
"Very good in focusing on what the question is asking and especially at deciphering between ACOG answer & clinical experience answer."
"Now WHY in all my years of schooling, has no one given a lecture on how to analyze how to take a test? THANK YOU - I guess better late than never."
"Your workshop really helped. I failed the written boards the first time by a couple of points. This time I got 30 points higher (and of course I passed). I honestly don't believe I had more fundamental knowledge (I felt I was prepared the first time), but I felt more in control using your test-taking skills strategies. It took me longer to finish the exam, but I was calmer and felt like I answered the questions more efficiently."
"Dr. Das, I can't believe you called me first for my results, but then again, of course, you would since you've been with me all the way. I passed my written boards FINALLY on the SIXTH attempt!!! I was in deep despair when I called for your help after failing for the fifth time. I had been to all those review courses with their money back guarantee; they lost their money, and I lost my dignity. You were candid and acknowledged the chances of passing the sixth time were slim. Unlike anyone else, however, you sought to find out why I was repetitively failing. You referred me to (education specialist) Martin Jolly and I underwent extensive testing. You then helped me develop a study plan and made sure I stuck with it and proved I was practicing my new test-taking skills. You even helped find a study buddy in my area. Your review course helped me further hone in on key test topics. Not only did I pass this time, but I nailed that puppy with a score of 71%. I am forever grateful." -- VB
"I am a General Surgeon who has struggled with my written boards. One of my GYN colleagues told me about your game-changing workshop. I flew in and participated with the Jolley workshop, then I worked with Dr. Das for 5 months sending her my performance reports. I have been looking my career for such a service and mentoring. Today I received the blessed news that I passed! The CQRPE system truly works for anyone, regardless of their specialty.”
“Dr. Das, I wanted to reach out to you to let you know how things turned out on Step 2. I am pleased to announce that I successfully passed Step 2 CK with a 227 (passing score: 209)! While I had set a goal for a higher score, my score fell within the range of the my scores on practice tests (220-238). I came into this entire process with the hope of having a significant increase, and I got that. I had a 22-point increase between Step 1 and Step 2 (205à227)! A significant weight has been lifted. I am wrapping up my acting internship on Gyn Onc and have thoroughly enjoyed it! Another fun fact is that my two highest section on the exam were OBGYN and PSYCH, lol! I wanted to thank you for all of you help throughout this process. I feel like I have become a bit of a spokesperson for CQRPE! As I start to gear up for interview season, I am so grateful that our paths crossed. You have given me tools that are will help me for the rest of my career! I look forward to joining the world of OBGYN!” – MB